Pro-Active Drive Check

Pro-Active Driver License Verification Check (DLVC)

Check and verify the validity and status of your drivers,
e.g. driver’s license from ALL Provinces and jurisdictions

The Business Challenge

Any business that puts people behind the wheel is exposed to the many risks associated with vehicles: direct and vicarious liability, vehicle damage and replace, theft and fraud, impoundment and lost revenue, legal and administrative costs, rising insurance premiums and more. In today’s competitive market, even a single incident can have dire consequences.

What Ontario Safety League offer

We offer, a simple, seamless way to instantly verify / check the validity and status of any Canadian driver’s license.

What are your benefits?

Protection against business interruption

  • Flagging high-risk drivers protects your assets and revenue stream
  • Accidents and impounded vehicles mean late deliveries, broken contracts, angry customers and lost business

Reducing exposure to risk

  • Suspended drivers are many times more likely to be involved in collisions
  • They impact the bottom line by inflating vehicle repair and replacement costs, liability and legal fees, worker’s compensation and insurance premiums
  • Vicarious liability lawsuits have found companies responsible for their employees actions for millions in damages or even criminal prosecution.

Reducing Administrative Overheads

  • Requesting driver’s abstracts is an expensive, labour-intensive hassle.
  • Integrating (DLVC) Driver’s License Verification Check into payroll allows you to automatically check license status bi-weekly for less than the cost of manually requesting abstracts quarterly.
  • The more often you can check drivers license status, the better protected you are.

Benefits of using OSL Pro-Active Driver License Verification Check!

  • Timely – Fast, Accurate; Intuitive and SECURE
  • Driver license validation across ALL of Canada
  • Reports returned directly to the users by email
  • Cost-effective, Delivers ROI almost immediately.
  • No expensive up-front costs, the validation process deters would-be scam artists.
  • Reduces impact on your business from high-risk drivers