OSL in the News

The OSL’s opinion on the increased speed limit to 110kph on certain sections of the 400 series of highways.

in OSL in the News

Check Out the Blog post on The OSL’s opinion on the increased speed limit to 110kph on certain sections of the 400 series of highways. Blog Post ... Read More

Safety professionals sound alarm on schools offering training for low prices

in OSL in the News

Click here to view the interview. ... Read More

What's the plan to replace Ontario's blue licence?

in OSL in the News

2 years after concerns were raised, when will Ontario’s blue licence plates be replaced? ... Read More

Dump truck drivers want Ontario to relax new rules

in OSL in the News

“You don’t want to be on roads that are busted up by dump trucks over weight,” said Brian Patterson, chief executive of the safety league, citing motorcycle riders as one such concern… ... Read More

John Oakley Show - Prescott Mayor wants trucks off highway in bad weather

in OSL in the News

Ontario Safety League’s response to trucks off highway in bad weather … The John Oakley Show TORONTO, March 30, 2017 – Brian Patterson OSL suggests this would not have much effect ... Read More

Insurance Broker your best option ..... beats online insurance shopping!

in OSL in the News

“It frustrates me,'” says Brian Patterson, president and CEO of the Ontario Safety League (OSL). “Invariably, when people talk to me about insurance shortfalls, it was because they ... Read More

A historic look at crashes in Toronto

in OSL in the News

What crashes used to look like in Toronto by Chris Bateman, Oct 17 2013 ... Read More

Pool tragedies are 100% preventable! ... Ontario Safety League

in OSL in the News

Pool tragedies are 100% preventable, says the president of Ontario … 680 News staff Aug 11, 2013 “This incident is prompting a reminder about water safety. These tragedies are 100 percent ... Read More